
Showing posts from May, 2013

Release Announcement: _sustinvent+ v0.51 RC1 (single window version)

-- a _kt75 | note Keywords: hydro power, Africa, _sustinvent+, _sustindex, water dams Important: Use Firefox, Chrome or Opera to run _sust invent + v0.51 RC1 . As of today, 30th May 2013, the newest release of _sust invent + v0.51 RC1 is available. This intermediate release comprises a number of functional as well as content related modifications since the release of v0.20 (23rd January 2013). On the one hand it represents the finalisation of the fundamental design process of the data base, of the graphical user interface (GUI) as well as of the data handling. On the other hand, with the completion of the inventory of the major water dam facilities (volumes: larger than 1’000’000 m3) located in Africa (in total more than 1’200 data sets) a first pivotal data package for future comprehensive sustainability analyses is available. Fundamental in this context is the evaluation and harmonisation (corrections applied where necessary) among the FAO-data sets (20...

Inside Sustainability: Facts, Figures, Bullshit - Part III: Sales/Turnover Figures
_kt75 | reflections 01.3/2013

-- a _kt75 | reflection  _download Paper: server 1 | server 2  _download Supporting Information: server 1 | server 2  _download troubles: get your free copy Keywords Genuine sustainable development, turnover, sales figures, hype, car makers, China, overhang-effect, overlap-effect. Figures contained: _Annual GDP growth in China 2003-2013 (incl. projections till 2015) _Sales figures of Audi, BMW and VW 2008-2012 _CO 2 -emissions China 2008-2012 _Ground plan of Chinese expressway network 2010 _Annual road fatalities in China 2008-2012 Summary Corporate sales/turnover figures represent the quantitative and qualitative specification of the impacts of any kind on resources of any type. Also here are ‘facts’ and ‘figures’ vehicles typically used to promote, convey and enforce interests in a more or less reliable way. The car industry, with particular consideration of the so-called ‘emerging economies’ (e.g. China), represents an excellent ba...

Tar Sands - their nature, their importance, their effects: Outlook 2030

-- a _kt75 | post    Oil sands (also named: tar sands or, more technically, bituminous sands ) are a kind of unconventional petroleum deposit, i.e. represent fossil energy deposits. From the ir structure oil sands form a loose sand or partially consolidated sandstone containing naturally occurring compositions of sand , clay , and water, saturated with a dense and extremely viscous form of petroleum technically referred to as bitumen (or colloquially tar due to its similar appearance, odour and colour) . Oil s ands have been exploited since Paleolithic times but the modern in dustrial (i.e. commercial) mining of this type of fossil fuel deposits has begun in the 1 920ies [ 1 ]. Since that time the mining has contin uously risen and has exper ienced a dramatic incr ease in the most recent years [ 2 ] , [ 3 ]. Acco rdingly, today the total production v olume of tar sands amounts to about 1.9 million barrel per day [ 4 ] and is estimated to conti nue to r i...