Smart Grids/Smart Metering - Key Topic of the next Issue of the
Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q03/2011
The third issue of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management (Q03/2011) will be released early October 2011. Focus of that issue will be directed towards a technical/technological issue that more and more becomes important - also for water services: smart grids/smart metering. Most recent findings from research and development will be compiled in the sections:
- Key Note
- Technology
- Research
- Politics and Society
The challenge is that infrastructure elements - be it at local levels (private households) or at levels larger than regional (resources supply networks) - need to be modified from more or less static and often technically outdated systems towards intelligent systems being able to react more sensitively and precisely on varying demands and situations.
As earlier, contributions from concerned stakeholders are warmly welcome.Topics may range from pure scientific issues to practical management solutions - focussing on sustainability - and may not be limited to industrial or municipal topics. Contributions may, for instance, cover reviews of technical achievements, short presentation of water management concepts, announcements of conferences related to water/water management, etc.
As earlier, contributions from concerned stakeholders are warmly welcome.Topics may range from pure scientific issues to practical management solutions - focussing on sustainability - and may not be limited to industrial or municipal topics. Contributions may, for instance, cover reviews of technical achievements, short presentation of water management concepts, announcements of conferences related to water/water management, etc.
You are invited to contribute with outstanding, brief and concise inputs (e.g. in the form of abstracts of white papers, papers, and any other communication form). The contributions may consist of 200-300 words (approx.), well written English and might be submitted to by mid of September 2011 the latest. Contributors will be listed prominently in the list of contributors and supporters.