Sudan: Roseiris Hydro Power Plant expanded

These days Sudan completed the expansion of the Roseiris hydro power plant which aims primarily at an improved power supply and irrigation [0]-[6]. The expansion of the hydro power plant included in detail [7], [8]:
- doubling the power generation capacity to 1'800 MW
- increasing the reservoir capacity to ca. 4.4 Bio m3
Further hydro power information are available by consulting _sustinvent0.1 RC2 (here). Primary contractors were Chinese China International Water & Electric Corp. and China Three Gorges Corp. [7], [9]. The upgrade of the Roseiris power plant necessitated the relocation of more than 20'000 people. In addition, the plant necessitates particular safety measures due to its location close to South Sudan [10]. Another issue pose the increased variations in available water volume, sedimentation and discharge [11].
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