Simply the Best?
How sustainable are Renewable Energy Carriers in Reality?
-- a _kt75 | note
Renewable (Alternative) Energy Carriers: Hydro, Solar, Wind Power, etc. | Non-Renewable (Conventional) Energy Carriers: Nuclear, Coal, Gas, Oil Power, etc. |
Pros: | Pros: |
+ Zero GHG emissions: true -except in case of water dams- but excludes indirect GHG emissions, e.g. from upstream production/assembly processes | + Stable energy supply |
+ Little waste problem: basically true -except in case of solar modules (PV) | + Efficient |
+ endless availability: true -but energy generation fluctuates depending upon carrier presence (e.g. calm winds, droughts, sun shine, etc.) | + Less costly than renewable energy |
... | ... |
Cons: | Cons: |
- Contribution to GHG emissions: water dams -> read more | - Seriously impact the climate (global warming, climate change): fossil fuels like coal and gas |
- Impact on land scape: water dams, wind and solar parks | - Serious EoL problem: nuclear waste |
- Technological immaturity: low efficiency of e.g. solar panels | - Non-renewable, i.e. finite availability of energy carriers |
- Unstable energy supply | - Risky: true, e.g. for nuclear power plants |
- Risky: true e.g. for large dam facilities | ... |
... |

Out of the various renewable energy carriers, and in dependence upon the diverse regional conditions, hydro power seems to represent the 'best option'. It is the only alternative energy carriers that represents a real multipurpose energy source, i.e. it can be used for: irrigation, water flow regulation, recreation, energy generation, food production (fish), etc. Neither solar nor wind, etc. power facilities can serve diverse demands.
On the other hand the often quote total energy turnaround, i.e. the complete phase out of non-renewable energy carriers wont be possible at large scales (e.g. world-wide). Whenever a certain country or a certain industry branch completely switches towards renewable energy carriers another country or industry will take over the redundant non-renewable energy carriers. Basically that implies that the so-called energy turnaround will necessary result in the redeployment of energy portfolios at national or corporate levels. Read more in the supporting report.