_kt75 | notes - on genuine sustainable development 03/2013

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Ground water is, aside surface water one of the most important but also most sensitive drinking water resources. Its plenty and safe availability depends upon natural conditions, such as geology, precipitation, vegetation, etc., but also upon volume withdrawn for artificial purposes as well as on the characteristics used water (typically called ‘waste water’) is fed back to the hydrological cycle.
Most recent investigations and analyses reveal once more that the availability of ground water is critical in regions characterised by unstable social and economic conditions (Middle-East, Africa, etc.). Tensions among countries situated in such regions can substantially inhibit the sustainable supply with drinking water from ground water resources.
From a technological point of view GIS-applications for the management of ground water resources become increasingly important. Reasonably used, such tools can help prevent from overexploitation of e.g. ground water bodies with a low replenishment rate.
Overall, it has been recognised in the quoted studies that ground water requires sustainable, reasonable and comprehensive management practices.