Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q04/2013

▶ _download the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management here: server 1 (wrong link, corrected 2013-12-16)
■ _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1 ■ Jordan’s Water Resource Challenges ■ Intelligent Metering for Urban Water ■ Innovative Mine Water Treatment in Post-Mining Areas ■ Hydro Power in Turkey ■ Spatial Analysis of Impacts of Hydro Power Dam ■ Effect of Mining on Geochemistry ■ Assessment of hydro geochemical characteristics ■ Impacts of Coal Mining on Groundwater Environment ■ Clear Gold Water as a Strategic Resource in Middle-East ■ Blue Peace: The Way forward in the Middle-East ■ Jordan’s Path to Water Security ■ Changing Ownership Structures in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector ■ …
After more than half a year of thorough, comprehensive and in-depth analysis of global hydro power data the next release of the _sustinvent+ data base (version 0.605 RC1) can be announced. The data base now includes in total more than 3’500 verified data sets of hydro power plants in Africa, more than 100 of the largest hydro power facilities in China and almost 2’000 verified data sets of facilities in the Middle East. The data base in principle bases on:
■ data sets of the FAO (those have been critically evaluated and verified in many cases),■ data available directly from facility operators,
■ data available from previous analyses and
■ data from other third party literature.
In addition to the huge amount of information a slight face-lifting has been provided to _sustinvent+. This refers e.g. to the inclusion of multi-media meta- data (videos and images of facilities, currently primarily the larger ones) and an improved online tutorial. A next step in the development of _sustinvent+ includes the inventory of all hydro power facilities operated in Asia.
The further development of the _sustinvent+ data base is also attributed to the continuous critical situation regarding sustainable water management. This issue of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management concentrates on:
■ hydro power strategies in the Middle East,
■ regulation and ownership of water supply equipment and
■ implications of mining on ground water
■ regulation and ownership of water supply equipment and
■ implications of mining on ground water
As usual all publications are referenced in detail at the end of the Notes.
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► NEW: see all _kt75 | articles at a glance in the _news database