Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q02/2014
-- a _kt75 | note
Download: Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q02/2014.
The most recent issue of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management (Q02/2014) is freely available.

In continuation of the successful publication of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management the current issue concentrates on a broad range of topics including land subsidence, implications of climate change on ground water regimes, technical developments in the small hydro power sector, etc. Geographically, the Notes once more focus on regions exposed to complicated water supply conditions: Middle-East and Asia. A number of publications tackle the named issues in detail and provide cutting-edge insights on present developments.
An important, because seldom considered, region represents the Horn of Africa and the water supply issues encountered there. A comprehensive overview is provided by a dedicated report. As always all reprints are completely referenced and can be accessed via the web.
Along with the publication of the Notes the _kt75 | reflections are published. With great pleasure it could be noted that more than 1’000 copies of the last years release of the series Inside Sustainability: Facts, Figures, Bullshit - Part I: http://goo.gl/mqFvZ, II: http://goo.gl/bKMfN and III: http://goo.gl/T1fyG - were downloaded. It may be considered as an indicator for the importance of the sustainability issue.
Download the full issue of the Notes free of charge: http://goo.gl/hDbhUR
Download previous issues: http://kt75-mirror.blogspot.ch/p/kt75-mirror-downloads.html