Release Announcement: _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1 | single window version
Hydro Power Data Base

-- a _kt75 | note ■ Explore _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 | single window ■ Download White Paper ■ See Promo Clip Tweet As of today the newest version of _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 | single window version is available online. In total this version comprises inventories of hydro power facilities of Africa, Middle-East and China, incl . : ■ Jordan ■ Syria ■ Saudi Arabia ■ Yemen ■ China ■ South Africa ■ Angola ■ Ethiopia ■ Lebanon ■ Libya ■ Algeria ■ Burkina Faso ■ Namibia ■ ... The online version of _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 provides you access to the following countries: ■ Angola , Cameroon, Ethiopia, Iraq, and Jordan To get the full version of _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 send a request to: Summary Sustainable water management represents one of the key challenges towards future-proof de...