
Showing posts from 2013

Release Announcement: _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1 | single window version
Hydro Power Data Base

-- a _kt75 | note ■ Explore       _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 | single window ■ Download      White Paper ■ See           Promo Clip    Tweet As of today the newest version of _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 | single window version is available online. In total this version comprises inventories of hydro power facilities of Africa, Middle-East and China, incl . : ■ Jordan ■ Syria ■ Saudi Arabia ■ Yemen ■ China ■ South Africa ■ Angola ■ Ethiopia ■ Lebanon ■ Libya ■ Algeria ■ Burkina Faso ■ Namibia ■ ... The online version of _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 provides you access to the following countries: ■ Angola , Cameroon, Ethiopia, Iraq, and Jordan To get the full version of _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 send a request to:     Summary Sustainable water management represents one of the key challenges towards future-proof de...

Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q04/2013

-- a _kt75 | note     ▶ _download the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management here: server 1 ( wrong link, corrected 2013-12-16 )   Tweet ■ _sust invent + v0.605 RC1 ■ Jordan’s Water Resource Challenges ■ Intelligent Metering for Urban Water ■ Innovative Mine Water Treatment in Post-Mining Areas ■ Hydro Power in Turkey ■ Spatial Analysis of Impacts of Hydro Power Dam ■ Effect of Mining on Geochemistry ■ Assessment of hydro geochemical characteristics ■ Impacts of Coal Mining on Groundwater Environment ■ Clear Gold Water as a Strategic Resource in Middle-East ■ Blue Peace: The Way forward in the Middle-East ■ Jordan’s Path to Water Security ■ Changing Ownership Structures in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector ■ … After more than half a year of thorough, comprehensive and in-depth analysis of global hydro power data the next release of the _sustinvent+ data base (version 0.605 RC1) can be announced. The data base now includes ...

coming soon: _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1 (single window version)/
Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management

-- a _kt75 | note   ► NEW : see all _kt75 | articles at a glance in the _news database   Tweet The next release of _ sust invent + includes: complete and corrected water inventories of Africa and Middle-East, in total more than 4'500 data sets comprising comprehensive documentation and including several thousand of online documents. Try it already today... or read more about the recent version - _ sust invent + v0 .51 RC 1 (single window version) . -- The Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management Vol 4 will be issued by mid of December 2013. It focuses on the following topics - Hydro power strategies in the Middle-East - Re-communalisation of water supply equipment in Europe - Implications of brown coal mining on ground water - Update of _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1 Previous issues of the Notes are available via...

Energy Strategies in the Middle-East -
Focus Turkey

► NEW : see all _kt75 | articles at a glance in the _news database   -- a _kt75 | reprint   Tweet Owing to its strategic geographical location, Turkey is a very important player in the energy security of Europe. Using this opportunity, Turkey has a cherished desire of becoming an energy hub. Turkey is open to let any pipeline through its own territory to achieve this goal. With this aim Turkey not only seeks to ensure its own energy security and receive revenue from pipeline projects as a transit country but also one may assume that such kind of strategy could allow Turkey to open an energy chapter in the European Union (EU) negotiations and accelerate accession to the EU. However, because of some realities such as the competing pipelines supported by Turkey, political instability in the Caspian region, South Caucasus and Middle East, and the importance of the interests of the great powers such as Russia and Iran Turkey should not only believe i...

Jordan’s Water Resources: Challenges for the Future

► NEW : see all _kt75 | articles at a glance in the _news database   -- a _kt75 | reprint     Tweet _progress | M replaces _kt75 | mirror. visit: . ready: 01.07.2015. close ✕ This paper reviews the status of the water resources in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the context of the global pattern of increasing demand for water linked to population increase, a growing urban-based population and increasing economic progress. Jordan is currently one of the world‟s ten water poorest nations, a situation which is being exacerbated by a rapidly growing population. Jordan has a climate ranging from Mediterranean to Arid with approximately 80 per cent of the country receiving less than 100mm of precipitation annually. Evaporation ranges from around 2000mm per year in Zarqa in the north west of the country to over 5000mm per year in Ma‟an in the south. Renewable freshwater resources are of the order of 750-850 million cubic met...

Always on the bright side of...?
PV Business Perspectives 2013-2017

► NEW : see all _kt75 | articles at a glance in the _news database   -- a _kt75 | reprint   Tweet _progress | M replaces _kt75 | mirror. visit: . ready: 01.07.2015. close ✕ The year 2012 was another historic one for solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, which has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade and is on the way to becoming a mature and mainstream source of electricity. The world’s cumulative PV capacity surpassed the impressive 100-gigawatt (GW) installed electrical power mark, achieving just over 102 GW. This capacity is capable of producing as much annual electrical energy as 16 coal power plants or nuclear reactors of 1 GW each. Each year these PV installations save more than 53 million tons of CO2. Remarkably, even during a time of economic crisis, an estimated 31 GW of new PV capacity was commissioned around the world in 2012 – roughly the same as in the record-setting year of 2011. But even if the he...

Business Perspectives: Sustainability is always a Question of Growth

► NEW : see all _kt75 | articles at a glance in the _news database -- a _kt75 | reprint   Tweet Business activity lives within the context of the social and natural environment, and the economic sustainability of business depends on social and environmental sustainability is a graphic that helps to illustrate how business activity belongs to a larger context called society and how both business and society are a part of the larger system of nature on this planet. Business management today is accountable for social and environmental, as well as financial results. Business activity lives within the context of the social and natural environment, and the economic sustainability of business depends on social and environmental sustainability is a graphic that helps to illustrate how business activity belongs to a larger context called society and how both business and society are a part of the larger system of nature on this planet. Business management tod...

Let's continue to talk about S...ustainability: IEA Energy Efficiency Market Report

-- a _kt75 | reprint   Tweet Energy efficiency has been referred to as a “hidden fuel”, one that extends energy supplies, increases energy security, lowers carbon emissions and generally supports sustainable economic growth. Yet it is hiding in plain sight: In 2011, investments in the energy efficiency market globally were at a similar scale to those in renewable energy or fossil-fuel power generation. The IEA first Energy Efficiency Market Report provides a practical basis for understanding energy efficiency market activities, a review of the methodological and practical challenges associated with measuring the market and its components, and statistical analysis of energy efficiency and its impact on energy demand. It also highlights a specific technology sector in which there is significant energy efficiency market activity, in this instance appliances and information and communication technologies (ICT). The report also presents a selecti...

Let's talk about S...ustainability?
OECD Environmental Outlook 2050

-- a _kt75 | reprint Tweet Around the world, cities, farmers, industries, energy suppliers, and ecosystems are increasingly competing for their daily water needs. Without proper water management, the costs of this situation can be high – not just financially, but also in terms of lost opportunities, compromised health and environmental damage. Without major policy changes and considerable improvements in water management, by 2050 the situation is likely to deteriorate, increasing uncertainty about water availability. This chapter summarises the key pressures on water, as well as the main policy responses. It starts by looking at current water challenges and trends and how they could affect the water outlook in 2050. It considers competing demands for water (from agriculture/irrigation, industry, electricity, domestic/urban supply, environment flows) and over-exploitation (both surface and groundwater), water stress, water-related disasters (e.g. floods), water po...

_kt75 | notes - on genuine sustainable development 03/2013

-- a _kt75 | note  _d ownload notes : server 1 | server 2  download troubles? get your free copy   Tweet Ground water is, aside surface water one of the most important but also most sensitive drinking water resources. Its plenty and safe availability depends upon natural conditions, such as geology, precipitation, vegetation, etc., but also upon volume withdrawn for artificial purposes as well as on the characteristics used water (typically called ‘waste water’) is fed back to the hydrological cycle.  Most recent investigations and analyses reveal once more that the availability of ground water is critical in regions characterised by unstable social and economic conditions (Middle-East, Africa, etc.). Tensions among countries situated in such regions can substantially inhibit the sustainable supply with drinking water from ground water resources. From a technological point of view GIS-applications for the management of ground water re...